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25.4mm Dia., λ/2 at 400nm and λ/4 at 800nm, Dual Wavelength Waveplate

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Dual Wavelength Waveplate

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Diameter (mm):
25.40 +0/-0.2
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Parallelism (arcsec):

Optical Properties

R<0.5% @ 400 & 800nm
Design Wavelength DWL (nm):
400, 800
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Crystalline Quartz
λ/2 @ 400, λ/4 @ 800
Surface Quality:
Transmitted Wavefront, P-V:
<λ/10 @ 632.8nm
Retardance Tolerance:
λ/100 @ 20 °C
Damage Threshold, By Design: Damage threshold for optical components varies by substrate material and coating. Click here to learn more about this specification.
>5 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm; 10 ns; 10 Hz
Retardance Order:
Multiple order

Threading & Mounting

Mount Thickness (mm):
6 ±0.2

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 240:

Product Details

  • λ/4 and λ/2 Retardance for Harmonic Separation
  • Designed for Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, or Ti:Sapphire Lasers
  • Multiple Order Designs

Dual-Wavelength Quartz Waveplates are made with high-quality crystalline quartz substrates and offer λ/4 retardance at one wavelength and λ/2 retardance at a second wavelength. Featuring designed wavelengths for Nd:YAG (532 and 1064nm), Yb:YAG (515 and 1030nm), and Ti:Sapphire (400 and 800nm), these waveplates boast high laser damage threshold (LDT) and anti-reflective (AR) coatings for high powered laser applications. Dual-Wavelength Quartz Waveplates are mounted in a 25.4mm black anodized aluminum ring with an 18mm clear aperture. These waveplates are ideal for laser separation applications requiring increased conversion efficiency of dual-wavelength sources or Second-Harmonic Generation (SHG) lasers through management of polarization.

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